아이센가드 현자 업데이트내역 > 직업별게시판

작성일 : 11-10-02 18:18 / 조회 : 2,317

현자 | 아이센가드 현자 업데이트내역

페이지 정보

작성자 쇄도 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물



  • Skill: Continual Air-lore: No longer toggled off when you are disarmed.
  • Coordination buff no longer reduces the induction of map skills.
  • The "Warding Knowledge" skills have been consolidated into one skill.
  • The "Warding Knowledge" skills now include additional Genuses.
  • "Leechcraft" and "Tend the Sick" have been consolidate into one skill: "Knowledge of Cures."
  • New Skill: Knowledge of Cures: This skill removes three diseases, three wounds, does not provide a buff to Resistances and can be used in combat. The cooldown of this skill is 10 seconds. At level 62, this skill can be upgraded to "Improved Knowledge of Cures" to eliminate the Induction time.
  • "Sign of Battle: Wizardry" and "Sign of Battle: Wizard's Fire" have been consolidated into one skill.
  • "Sign of Battle: Wizard's Fire" cannot be resisted (though the DoT effect can be.)
  • "Improved Sign of Battle: Wizard's Fire" is now available at Level 54. This upgrade eliminates the cooldown of the skill.
  • The trait "Improved Sign of Battle" now provides +25% to damage.
  • Skill: Back from the Brink: Range increased from 5m to 25m. This skill no longer requires a material component and no longer debuffs the target.
  • Skill: Blinding Flash: No longer restricted by the Genus of mobs affected.
  • "Ancient Wisdom" is now a Passive Skill. The bonus to "Ancient Wisdom" has been removed from the trait "Power and Wisdom" and factored into the new Passive Skill.
  • Trait: Improved Storm-lore: Now increases all Lightning Damage.
  • Trait: Explosive Force: Consolidated with "Fast Loader."
  • New Trait: "The Study of Frost-lore"
  • Trait: "Master of Beasts" has been consolidated with " The Wild and Ward" and improved.
  • New Trait: "Improved Inner Flame"
  • Trait Line: Keeper of Animals 4-set Bonus: Added decreased cooldown on "Inner Flame."
  • Skill: Wisdom of the Council: Cooldown reduced from 10m to 5m.
  • Skill: Call to the Valar: Cooldown reduced from 10m to 5m. The power cost of this skill has been increased.
  • "Beast-lore" has been combined with the trait "Hardy Companion".
  • New Trait: "Improved Flanking"
  • Skill: Frost-lore: Removed the "Lock-up Loremaster's Computer" effect when casting the skill while disarmed.
  • Skill: Back from the Brink: Targets now revive with 30% Morale.
Swaedo-도적, Kwaedo-감시자, RhunenRandir-현자

유빈님의 댓글

유빈 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물

"Skill: Frost-lore: Removed the "Lock-up Loremaster's Computer" effect when casting the skill while disarmed"
이거 말장난 맞죠? ㅋㅋㅋ 그니까 프로스트 로어를 쓰면 컴퓨터가 멈추는 버그를 고쳤다는 말이겠죠? ㄷㄷㄷ

쇄도님의 댓글

쇄도 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 댓글의 댓글

BG갔을 때 한번 버그걸린적이 있는 데...
프로스트로어를 쓰면 지팡이를 돌리는 모션에서 멈추죠.
그렇게 되면 챗팅을 제외한 모든 행동이 다음기술예약으로 인식돼서 그져 모션이 풀리기전까지 기다리는 데... 심지어 EXC키도 안눌리는 황당한 경험이었죠. ㄷㄷ
이때 보라눈이 걸렸더랬죠.ㅋ

로그인 후 댓글을 남겨주세요.