Riders of Rohan Developer Diary: Hunter
Riders of Rohan Developer Diary: Hunter
By: Ken "Graalx2" Burd
Howdy Hunters of Middle-earth! Today we are going to talk a bit about the Riders of Rohan expansion and what YOU can expect to get. We are giving you a lot of goodies this time from improvements to Split Shot and Hunter’s Art to a real threat reducing skill. We are even giving you a skill that will save your lives (and no, it’s not group Desperate Flight!)
First let’s cover the three new and improved skills that you will learn as you level up to 85.
- Improved Split Shot – This skill has an increased area of effect, plus it will add 1 Focus pip for every target hit.
- Improved Distracting Shot – In addition to its current function, this skill will greatly decrease the Hunter’s threat. This threat reduction happens even if the monster targeted is an Instance Boss immune to the daze.
- Cry of the Hunter – This is a new skill. It affects up to 6 targets near the Hunter, dazing them for 5 seconds and slowing their movement for 10 seconds. This skill will also grant the Hunter a +10% movement speed buff for 10 seconds as well as giving the Hunter a small morale bubble. As an added bonus, inductions will not be set back while the bubble still exists.
In addition to those three skills, Hunter’s will also get ports to Misty Mountains and Lothlorien at appropriate levels.
There will also be a few skills changed due to popular outcry.
- Bright Campfire will have its out-of-combat power regen greatly scaled up and, just because, it will also grant a +5 Stealth Detection.
- Hunter’s Art will no longer be an attack. It will just grant its stance dependent buff. Its focus cost is reduced to 1 Focus pip.
- Agile Rejoinder will now always heal the Hunter with the associated legacy now increasing the heal amount.
- Quick Shot in Endurance stance will have its threat reduction increased. Now it will always reduce the Hunter’s threat in spite of any damage it does.
- Blindside will now be useable while on the move.
We hope to see you all raining death from afar in Rohan!