Update 6: Developer Diary: The Great River > 반지의제왕 온라인 최신정보

작성일 : 12-03-02 04:54 / 조회 : 1,575

Update 6: Developer Diary: The Great River

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물



The Great River
By: Budgeford
Region content is the backbone of The Lord of the Rings Online™. What would our game be without a landscape to explore, monsters to kill and quests to reward you for your tireless efforts? This content is the primary way to advance your character, and everything else in the game is arguably extra. (It’s all still very important, but extra nonetheless.)
New art assets for this zone began pouring in not long ago, and we had the pleasure of watching the formation of an entirely new territory in Middle-earth. The Great River not only offers something fresh-feeling and new, but also some fairly epic eye candy. This region delivers the first established Rohirrim-run town, a settlement called Stangard, with interiors and exteriors unlike all others in the game. As you roam through this zone, you will likely feel a rekindling of your early sensations as an explorer of Middle-earth.

The Purpose of the Great River
We occasionally release updates that contain interim regions between major expansions. The Great River is an example this interim regional content, much like Enedwaith or Lothlórien. Enedwaith was a taste of Dunland before the Rise of Isengard expansion came out, and the Great River is a little taste of what’s to come in Rohan.

The devs here always have many, many things going on at once, so while half of us are in pre-production for exciting things to come, the other half works on making sure the game feels alive and vibrant between major releases. If you’ve been with us for a while, you may notice that our releases between expansions offer all kinds of things: instance clusters, raids, festival updates, end-game regions such as the Great River, etc. These content types are meant to cater to all of the types of players we expect to see in our game: casual gamers, soloers, groupers, and the hardcore audience. While folks may get frustrated when an update comes out with nothing to cater to their preferred style of gameplay, chances are high that there’s another team of devs right in the middle of building something to look forward to.
Our hope is that the interim regions will scratch the “Gimme something new!!!” itch for a lot of player types. The Great River is a level 75 end-game region, designed mostly for solo or duo gameplay.
For solo and duo players, there is a new reputation faction with notably better barter items than the rep stuff found in the Rise of Isengard release. Quests will also give upgrades to the level 75 quest rewards found in Dunland/Isengard. There is plenty of content to help you earn these rewards without having to grind, and that’s a major goal of these interim region updates: keeping things fresh.

If you prefer to do more challenging content in groups, there is a new landscape division just for you: the Limlight Gorge. There is a separate reputation faction just for the brave folks who want to tempt their fate against terrifying trolls and enraged huorns, with higher-end loot to barter when you earn rep with that area.
There is also a long-term benefit to having regions such as this in the game, even if it doesn’t directly contribute to leveling your capped character at this time. For non-capped people still going through the game for the first time or on an alt, this will be prime content for getting those last couple of levels. These zones are wonderful alternatives to the longer regions in expansion packs; there’s nothing quite as satisfying as getting high enough level in the tunnels of Moria to go out into the sunlight of Lothlórien. Progress through Middle-earth becomes much more exciting when you have diverse alternatives, and the Great River will likely be a welcome change of pace to anyone who hasn’t finished the Dunland/Isengard content yet.

Process of Region Development
In case you’re interested in a little look into our process, feel free to keep reading!
In the beginning, a really crude map is made, and the terrain is loosely built by one of our most senior worldbuilders (who happens to also be our main Tolkien expert). This ugly, unhelpful map (no offense to he who made it) is shown to the region content developers, usually while they’re still very much immersed in other work. This is our first glimpse into what we’ll be doing over the next few months. This part of the process is always so strange, because we’re generally so distracted when this is going on due to our full attention being fixed on another feature.

Awesome ugly map, right?
At this first stage, we all try to call dibs on the divisions we want to make based SOLELY on this crude map. Usually we’re yelling over each other like a bunch of kids fighting over candy. “I want the swamp!” “I want the one with the creepy name!” “Please not the Brown Lands!” Before long, we’re all assigned to our divisions.
Over the coming weeks, our amazing worldbuilder/Tolkien-expert holds a very large meeting for our whole team and gives us an impressively thorough verbal Tolkeinpedia presentation from memory, explaining anything and everything Tolkien ever recorded regarding some of these very remote areas. We all really enjoy these meetings, though we often leave gaping after the overwhelming and inspiring amount of fodder crammed into our heads.
Before we get a chance to see what this place looks like, it’s time to request art and set aside what monsters will appear. These deadlines always make us a little crazy, but planning really does have to start early. At this phase, I always feel like I’m an embarrassment of a designer – just guessing, and it makes me feel very guilty. “Uh…orcs! And, um, bears! Yeah, bears and orcs. This will make a good division.”
In actuality, though, the seeds are planted here. The brain really starts chewing on all of the pieces, and before we know it we’re jotting down or discussing little bits of actual ideas and plans. At this time, we’re usually just finishing up the previous feature.

This is the early map of the Great River, and we received this around the time that we began writing our specs. Zooming down into this zone usually gave us just enough insight to start thinking about monster camp layout, quest hub locations, and even a little bit of our quest flow. We start making strange abstract-seeming flow charts indicating quest flow through each division, and they seem quite perfect and reasonable at this blind stage. We flesh out our plans for quests for each area, and try to remain loyal to our optimistic flow charts. (We also rag on each other relentlessly for flow chart color choices during this phase, which is very important to the process.)
Next comes the fun part: building the puzzle pieces and assembling them. For the next several weeks, the various teams within dev work together to build a beautiful world, make things to do in the world, and create rewards to make you want to come and play in this exciting new region.
The trickiest part of this phase is not to get lost in polishing and perfecting. Forward momentum on the structure of the division is crucial, and it won’t do to have one quest arc be flawless and bug-free while the rest of the content isn’t even built yet. Polish could go on forever because perfection is impossible, so we have to go forward even when things are a little rough around the edges, and cringe at reviews when we get to show some of our clumsy phases to the rest of the team.

See? Very sad business.
Eventually we have the satisfaction of seeing it all come together. We’ve collectively learned so much over the years about making region content, both from LOTRO’s own successes and failures, and also from those of other games in the MMO/RPG genre. There is never a shortage of inspiration for our new regions; Tolkien’s lore is getting more exciting as the fellowship marches ever forward through the pages. It was really fun to work on the Great River, and it’s gotten us very excited to move forward into Rohan.
반지온 (반지의 제왕 온라인) - 북미서버 한국 유저 커뮤니티 BANJION.COM

elcadro님의 댓글

elcadro 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물

위대한 강 (great river)
By: Budgeford
개발자일기는 잘 번역을 하지 않았는 데, 반지온님이 올리셔서 할 수 없이 번역을…
개발자일기는 원래 뻥이 심해서 나중에 실망하기 때문인데, 뭐 또 한번 속아보죠 머.
위대한 강은 로트로온라인에서 신선한 느낌을 줄 것이며 또한 새로운 것들입니다. 물론 약간의 눈요기거리의 영웅담까지 말이죠. 이 지역은 처음 세운 로히림-런 (Rohirrim-run) 마을인 스탠가드 (Stangard) 가드입니다. 이 지역은 게임에 있는 다른 마을들과는 외양이나 내부가 다르다는 것을 알게 된다. 이 지역을 돌아다니다 보면 중간계의 탐험가로 처음 돌아다니던 감정을 불러일으키게 된다.
위대한 강의 목적
가끔 우리는 주 확장팩 사이에 업데이트를 통해 중간지역을 소개하곤 하는 데 위대한 강은 마치 에네드웨이드나 로스로리엔 같은 지역이라 할 수 있습니다. 에네드웨이드는 아이센가드 확장팩이 나오기 전에 던랜드를 맛볼 수 있었던 것처럼 위대한 강은 로한이 나오기 전에 약간 맛을 볼 수 있는 것입니다.
개발자들은 한번에 여러 가지를 보려주려고 노력합니다. 여러 종류의 게임유저들을 만족시키기 위하여 노력하고 있으며 가끔 자신이 원하는 형태의 것이 없더라도 당황해하지 마시고 개발자들이 당신을 위해 개발 중이라는 것을 잊지 말아달랍니다. 개발자들은 평상적인 유저, 단독플레이어, 그룹플레이어, 하드코어(핵심)유저들을 위한 컨텐츠를 항상 개발한답니다.
위대한 강은 75유저들을 위한 컨텐츠이며 대개 솔로나 듀오 게임플레이어들을 위한 것입니다. 아이센가드에서 보았던 여러 평판템보다 더 새로운 경향을 보일 것입니다.
만약 그룹으로 보다 더 모험을 하려면 the Limlight Gorge 라는 새로운 지역을 가야합니다. 트롤이나 휴오른들을 처리하면 새로운 다른 평판을 가지게 됩니다. 렙최고치에 도달한 유저라도 직접적이지는 않지만 장기간의 이득을 있을 것입니다. 비록 75렙이 아니더라도 가면 레벨링에 도움이 될 것입니다.
지역개발과정(부동산중개업자 같아…)
만약 이러한 과정에 조금이라도 관심이 있으면 계속 읽어주세요. 톨킨의 전문가이고 가장 나이많은 세계창조자들 중의 한 분이 만든 사실 조잡한 지도가 만들어졌다. 이 지도는 다시 지역개발자들에게 건네졌다.
감탄할만하게도 보기 싫은 지도죠?
처음에는 모든 디비젼에 소유권을 요구하려고 노력했다. 마치 어린애들이 사탕가지고 싸우듯이 떠들어댔는데, 누구는 늪을 원하고, 누구는 으스스한 이름을 가진 것을 원하였고, 누구는 BROWN LANDS을 가지지 않겠다고 난리법석을 한 차례 뜬 다음 모든 지역을 배당하였습니다.
전체 개발자팀이 모두 모인 매우 큰 미팅을 가졌고, 이 외진 지역에 관한 톨킨의 기록 모든 것을 설명하고, 기억에 의한 말하는 톨킨사전 (걸어다니는 톨킨백과사전이나 마찬가지겠지요, 우리도 있는 데, 요즘 잘 안 들어온답니다.) 발표가 매우 감명깊었답니다.그리고는 몹배열에 고민하다가 등등

나머지 밑에 2 문단은 저녁때 번역하죠.

elcadro님의 댓글

elcadro 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물

위의 것은 위대한 강의 초기맵으로 일 시작하자 마자 받았답니다. 이 지역을 보면 몹캠프배치,
퀘스트허브위치, 퀘스트흐름에 관한 통찰을 할 수 있습니다.
퀘스트가 진행하는 방향을 각각 지역에서 조합하고 수수께기 같은 부분을 집어넣고
배열하는 것이 재미있었다고 합니다. 이후에는 여러 팀들이 여러 지역을 아름답게 만들고
이후에 각종 보상들을 추가했답니다. 그리고 너무 비까번쩍하게 만들거나 완벽하게 하려고 시
간을 보내지는 않았답니다. 어차피 완벽은 불가능하고 비까번쩍은 밑도 끝도 없는 일이라 말이죠.
보았죠? 매우 슬픈 비즈니스랍니다.
결국 모든 것을 보고난 다음 만족하게 되었고, 지역을 만들면서 로트로의 성공과 실패에서
그리고 다른 MMO/RPG 게임에서 많은 것을 배웠답니다.
이 새로운 지역에 대한 영감은 결코 짧지 않았고, 톨긴옹의 전설은 갈수록 흥미진진 하답니다.
그리고 로한을 준비하면서 더욱 더 흥미진진하다고 느낀답니다.

로그인 후 댓글을 남겨주세요.