미나스 모르굴(Minas Morgul) 확장팩 출시 > 반지의제왕 온라인 최신정보

작성일 : 19-09-28 19:36 / 조회 : 4,005

미나스 모르굴(Minas Morgul) 확장팩 출시

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물



New Race: Stout-axe Dwarves

Meet the lost civilization of Stout-axe Dwarves, and live their story of reemergence.

Two New Regions

Explore “The Morgul Vale” as well as “Mordor Besieged”

Face Shelob

Get 7 new 3-person and 6-person instances, and a new 12 person raid against one of the Morgul Vale’s most notorious residents.

Level Cap Increase

Reach character level 130 with the launch of the expansion!

New Crafting Guild Benefits

Earn guaranteed rare items, faster crafting, and more!

The Black Book of Mordor

Vanquish the lingering remnants of evil, and stop the remaining denizens of Mordor who conspire for power in the wake of Sauron’s defeat.

현재 Pre-Sale 중입니다.

이번에도 3종류의 패키지로 판매 중이네요.


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