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Areas in the Ettenmoors

The western portion of the Ettenmoors, stretching from Hithlad and the Grimwood Forest in the south to the base of the Misty Mountains in the north and the Hoarwell River in the west, is called the Coldfells. Indigenous life teems throughout the area, bolstered by the presence of the Free Peoples and their allies. 
Features: Glan Vraig, Tirith Rhaw, Ost Ringdyr

Ariador's End
This location gets it's name from Aragorn’s grandfather, Ardor, who was taken by Hill-trolls in the Coldfells, the beasts dragged him back to their camp nestled in the bosom of the Misty Mountains. The lands to the north, stretching along the shelf of the Misty Mountains, have been called Arador's End ever since. 
Features: Grothum, Isendeep Mine

A valley through which the great Hoarwell River flows, Hoardale is the seat of Tol Ascarnen, a long-ruined keep once held by the kingdom of Rhudaur. The Hoarwell River here cascades from the edge of the Misty Mountains in a massive waterfall, providing the war-torn land with a beautiful backdrop. 
Features: Tol Ascarnen 

In the south, with the Coldfells at its eastern border and the Steps of Gram to its northwest, you will find Hithlad, and the Grimwood Forest. 
Features: Grimwood Lumber Camp, Hoarhallow

Steps of Gram
Creeps rise in ever-increasing swells in the shadow of Mount Gram. The land here is harsh, rocky, and sparsely covered with trees. 
Features: Dar-gazag, Gramsfoot, Lugazag

Locations in the Ettenmoors 
Letters in () denote abreviations used in OOC.

Glan Vraig (GV) Freep Starting Area
At the southeast edge of the Ettenmoors, the Free Peoples established a fortress. The unwavering stand taken at the forest’s edge gives Angmar’s army little chance to force the Free Peoples from the holding. It is here that the staging ground for the war against the North begins. The fortress is of Elven make and stands out as a beautiful reminder of the lands that lay south of the forsaken and twisted area of the Ettenmoors.

Ost Ringdyr (OR)
Nestled far to the east, surrounded by a deep trench with only a few paths into its heart, Ost Ringdyr stands as the main keep of the Free Peoples. It is from here that the leaders of the Free Peoples army have reached out to the Eagles and Bears in the north to stand against the tide of Darkness swelling from Angmar.

Tirith Rhaw (TR)
Atop a rise to the west of Ost Ringdyr, but not yet to the eastern bank of the Hoarwell, you will find Tirith Rhaw’s silhouette rising above the treeline. This tower affords the Free Peoples a long view of the forest, and allows them to see down to the waterway 

Tol Ascarnen (TA)
Central to the Ettenmoors and positioned on an island in the middle of the Hoarwell River, Tol Ascarnen is a defensible stronghold. Bridges lead to the island from the east and from the west, and forces may be able to find purchase through the river. To the north, a magnificent waterfall towers high above the fortress at the foothills of the Misty Mountains and Arador's End.

Hoarhollow (HH)
Long ago, Fallohide Hobbits made their way over the Misty Mountains and through the wilds north of the Trollshaws, following the Hoarwell River as they traveled. Many pressed on into the lands further west, finding themselves at last in the gentle bosom of what would become The Shire. Some, more adventurous and accustomed to the Big Folk of Rhudaur who had not yet turned to villainy, chose a secluded area beneath the heavy cover of the Grimwood in Hithlad. There, these intrepid Hobbits have lived in seclusion and general safety for centuries. 
While searching the north for signs of the enemy, at the behest of Elrond, Lainedhel discovered both the Hobbit village and a force from Angmar pressing through the Ettenmoors. Upon returning to Rivendell, Lainedhal made his report on the forces he discovered far to the north. Elrond saw the forces as no threat to Rivendell and wished no one to interfere with their plans, but the innocence of the Hobbits spoke to the Elf’s heart, so he organized a force to enter the Ettenmoors and protect the Little Folk from the ravening hordes of Angmar.

Grimwood Lumber Camp (LC)
The Hobbits of Hoarhallow are primarily gardeners and hunters. A goodly number were also builders, and until the arrival of Angmar's army they had a thriving lumber camp in the Grimwood. Now the camp is constantly under siege as the Free Peoples and Angmar fight for control of the location and the rich wood that it supplies. 

Isendeep Mine (Isen)
Long ago, it may have been a troll-hollow; now, the Isendeep is a contested area, where the Free Peoples fight Angmar's army for precious metal resources. Its location near the goblin village of Grothum makes holding the location difficult for the Free Peoples. Besides the threat from goblins and other lurking beasts of the mountains, one must be on the watch for trolls at all times.

Lugazag (LUG)
A grim shadow is cast by this ruined tower at the foot of the Steps of Gram. From within the walls of this tower, Angmar's forces send raiding forces into the Ettenmoors in search of food and sport. Lugazag is located very near the Hobbits village at Hoarhallow, and serves as the main threat to the furry-footed folk

Mount Gram, once the dwelling-place of Golfimbul and now of the Snowreap goblins, serves as the true home for the goblins of Grothum. Moving from the relative safety of the great mountain to the border of the Isendeep was by the order of the mighty warriors of Angmar, and like the good servants they are, the goblins obeyed it. The village stands far to the northeast of the Hobbit village, above the mountain source of the mighty Hoarwell.

Dar Gazag (DG)
Towering far to the west, surrounded by huge walls of wood and stone with only a few paths into its heart, Dar Gazag stands as the main keep of the Creeps. Here you can enter DOF from just outside the entrance to the east. 

Gramsfoot Creep Starter Area (Grams)
Wooden walls, Warg-guardians, and a war-host from Angmar rest at the foot of Mount Gram. From here, the great Uruk War-tyrant Akulhun commands the forces of Angmar. The fortress is well-guarded and nearly impenetrable. From this base of power, War-leaders launch their assaults against the Free Peoples and seek to drive them from the land to make ready their war-machines for an invasion of lower Eriador. 

East Fjord
This area is the betwwen TA and TR. It denotes the water area there. Most often you will hear, "They are at the Fjord!" in OOC. This is the most commonly used abreviation for the Fjord. 

West Fjord
This area is between OC and TA and sometimes behind TA in the water area near the Norbogs. Usually people are specific about this location as something other than jusr the Fjord.

Delving Of Fror
The Delving of Fror, is a public dungeon located beneath the Ettenmoors. You can find a map here. It is accessible to both faction - players or monster players. There are many mobs and bosses found within that drop barter items coveted by both factions because they can be traded in for powerful equipment, traits, consumables and more. There are two entrances, one for either faction. The Free Peoples entrance is located just outside Ost Ringdyr [16.0S, 12.2W], and for the Forces of Angmar it is by Dar-gazag at [16.8S, 22.1W]. In order to enter, your faction must control 2 or more of the 5 outposts

Arador's End OP 

Coldfells OP (SOP)

Isendeep OP

Plains of Gramsfoot OP

River OP

Alphabetized list of abbriviated OOC languge and locations. (Added by Roktata)

•Fraggle Rock/Nidor Rock- The stepped rock immediately south of TR 
•BA - Black Arrow
•WL - Warleader
•Def - Defiler
•CC - Crowd Control 
•CG - Captain-General, the leaders of the keeps when held by freeps 
•Creep - Monster Players 
•DP - Destiny Points 
•EC - Elf Camp, south of the TA bridge 
•DG - Dar-Gazag 
•DF - Desperate Flight 
•DPS - Damage Per Second 
•EC - Elf Camp, by the south TA bridge 
•Eagle Way - The Eagle Pass between GV and Ost 
•Freep - Free Peoples 
•GDG - Green Dot General. Any low ranked/ New player to BW who shows up and announces in OOC or a Raid he/she isnt leading "masterfully obvious" strategy tips, or in general tries to back seat lead.
•Goldie - Old Goldhead, a bear NE of TR who can be used by freeps to attack TR 
•Golly - Golloval, an eagle SW of Isen who can be used by freeps to attack Isen 
•Grams - Gramsfoot, the starting base of all creeps 
•GV - Glain Vraig 
•HH -Hoarhollow 
•HIPS -Hide in Plain Sight, Burgler skill 
•HS -Hotspot 
•Infamy -A cumulative score that tracks freep kills 
•Isen -Isendeep 
•LC -Grimwood Lumber Camp 
•LOS - Line of Sight 
•LM -Loremaster 
•Lug -Lugazug 
•Isen - Isendeep
•NPC -Non-Player Character 
•OC -Orc Camp, by the west TA bridge 
•OR -Ost Ringdyr 
•PuG -Pick-Up-Group 
•Renown -A cumulative score that tracks creep kills 
•STAB - South Tol Ascarnen Bridge 
•WTAB - West Tol Ascarnen Bridge
•TA -Tol Ascarnen 
•TR -Tirith Rhaw 
•UI -User Interface 
•TR Hotspot - The old hotspot between TR and EC.
•DC - Dwarf Camp, the camp up near isen entirely inhabited by dwarves.
•KB - Killing Blow
•Goodie Box - The small camp just outside of GV heading towards TR. Freeps sometimes like to stand here thinking they are safe, often resulting in "oh goodie!" infamy for the creeps.
•Slug Pits - The pits outside of grams where the slugs are for the Mash Quest.
•Crossroads - There are actually two of these. One by EC and one by OC. Usually labled properly when referenced.
•Broken Wall - There is a wall at Lugazag that has a broken up, just another reference point.
•Sofa Pits - The mythical sofa pits where everyone who is suspected of tomfoolery, mischeif, or transgression, is banished to. No one knows where the sofa pits are, but currently about 98.257% of the moors population are under such banishement.
•Troll baseball : The act of hiding a force under one of TA's bridges, and having a troll swat freeps off said bridge into the water, breaking their legs and making easy kills.

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