업데이트11-Whitshaws > 게임 스크린샷

작성일 : 13-05-07 11:44 / 조회 : 1,320


페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물



As the brutal winter rages, many folk have gone missing, and the small village of Dunfast is in dire need of protection. You must follow in the wake of Núrzum's destruction, but can you find him in time? Face marauding Warbands as you race to save the people of Dunfast.

Geography: Mossy tundra and gravelly gullies, adorned with snow-mantled spruce, make up the wild and untamed Whitshaws.
반지온 (반지의 제왕 온라인) - 북미서버 한국 유저 커뮤니티 BANJION.COM
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