칭찬의 글 > 룬술사스킬 - Runekeeper

작성일 : 10-04-26 00:19 / 조회 : 1,162

칭찬의 글

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물


Essay of Exaltation

Words of Grace
Rune-keeper Level: 42

How can any fail when being exalted so? The whole fellowship gains the effects of Word of Exaltation as well as a powerful heal over time. After using this draining skill, all Healing attunement skills will have their power costs increased by 50% for 10s.

+50% Healing Attuned Skill Power Cost
Duration: 10s
-40% Incoming Damage
Duration: 3s
-40% Incoming Ranged Damage
Duration: 3s
-40% Incoming Tactical Damage
Duration: 3s
Cost: Power
Attunes: 1

Base Cooldown: 10m

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