Peter Jackson 감독으로부터의 호빗3편 소식 > 자유 게시판

작성일 : 14-04-25 15:17 / 조회 : 1,498

Peter Jackson 감독으로부터의 호빗3편 소식

페이지 정보

작성자 Lindviore 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물


Inside Information...

Our journey to make The Hobbit Trilogy has been in some ways like Bilbo's own, with hidden paths revealing their secrets to us as we've gone along. “There and Back Again” felt like the right name for the second of a two film telling of the quest to reclaim Erebor, when Bilbo’s arrival there, and departure, were both contained within the second film. But with three movies, it suddenly felt misplaced—after all, Bilbo has already arrived “there” in the "Desolation of Smaug".

When we did the premiere trip late last year, I had a quiet conversation with the studio about the idea of revisiting the title. We decided to keep an open mind until a cut of the film was ready to look at. We reached that point last week, and after viewing the movie, we all agreed there is now one title that feels completely appropriate.

And so: "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" it is.

As Professor Tolkien intended, “There and Back Again” encompasses Bilbo’s entire adventure, so don’t be surprised if you see it used on a future box-set of all three movies.

Before then however, we have a film to finish, and much to share with you. It’s been a nice quiet time for us—Jabez and I happily editing away in a dark cave in Wellington—but those halcyon days are quickly coming to an end. It will soon be time to step into the light. Expect to see and hear much about The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies in the coming months.

And there’s also The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Extended Cut, which we’re in the process of finishing, with over 25 mins of new scenes, all scored with original music composed by Howard Shore.

It’ll be a fun year!

위의 복사해서 붙여넣은 것이 원문이고... <- 여기가면 볼수 있어요!

대충 요약하자면... 

호빗3편의 원래 계획된 부제 'There and Back Again' (우리말로 '그곳 그리고 귀환...' 이정도이려나??) 

아무튼 그곳이 지칭하는 곳은 에레보르이고 빌보의 입장에서 에레보르에 도달한 뒤 샤이어로의 귀환을 뜻하는데

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (호빗 : 다섯군대의 격돌 or 전투) 으로 바뀌었다는 내용입니다.

이유인 즉슨 처음에 기획 당시만 해도 2편 Desolation of Smaug (스마우그의 폐허) 에서 이미 

빌보가 에레보르에 도달을 해버렸죠. 그래서 뭐 심사숙고 끝에 부제 변경을 결정했다고 합니다.

다음 달에 3편에 대해서 더 자세한 소식을 전해드릴 수 있을 것 같다고 하는군요.

그리고!!! 스마우그의 폐허 확장판이 편집 마무리 단계에 있다고 합니다.

확장판에서는 25분 분량의 새로운 장면과 음악이 추가되었다고 하니 많이 기대가 되는군요...

2편을 보고 뭔가 아쉬웠다 하시는 분들은 다시 한번 기대해보자구요!!

Member of Rhunen Rhendir

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로그인 후 댓글을 남겨주세요.